press release

Poetry Reading: September 21, 7-9 P.M.                                                                                 

Brooklyn Poets Reading Series

Studio10 is pleased to announce an event in the Brooklyn Poets Reading Series, featuring readings by poets Eduardo C. Corral, Ariana Reines, and Timothy Donnelly. This is a Brooklyn Book Festival 2012 Bookend Event. Admission is free. Wine, beer, and light refreshments will be served.

Eduardo C. Corral is the author of Slow Lightning, selected by Carl Phillips as winner of the 2011 Yale Series of Younger Poets competition and published by Yale University Press in 2012. His poems have appeared in New England Review, Ploughshares and Poetry, as well as many other journals and anthologies. He is the winner of a Discovery/The Nation award and a Whiting Writers’ Award and has been awarded residencies at the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo. He holds an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers Workshop and has served as the Olive B. O'Connor Fellow in Creative Writing at Colgate University and the Philip Roth Resident in Creative Writing at Bucknell University. He lives in New York. 

Ariana Reines’s books of poetry include The Cow (2006), which won the Alberta Prize from Fence Books; Coeur de Lion (2007); and Mercury (2011). Her poems have been anthologized in Gurlesque (2010) and Against Expression (2011). Known for her interest in bodily experience, the occult, new media, and the possibilities of the long or book-length form, Reines has been described as “one of the crucial voices of her generation” by Michael Silverblatt on NPR’s Bookworm. Reines’s first play Telephone (2009) was performed at the Cherry Lane Theater and received two Obie Awards. A re-imagining of its second act was featured as part of the Guggenheim’s Works+Process series in 2009, and the script was published in Play: A Journal of Plays in 2010. Reines’s translations include a version of Baudelaire’s My Heart Laid Bare (2009); Jean-Luc Hennig’s The Little Black Book of Grisélidis Réal: Days and Nights of an Anarchist Whore (2009); and Tiqqun’s Preliminary Materials Toward a Theory of the Young-Girl (2012). Reines has taught at Columbia University and the European Graduate School, and was the Roberta C. Holloway Lecturer in Poetry at the University of California-Berkeley in 2009, the youngest poet ever to hold that position. She has traveled to Haiti multiple times as part of the on-going relief efforts there.

Timothy Donnelly is the author of Twenty-seven Props for a Production of Eine Lebenszeit (Grove, 2003) and The Cloud Corporation (Wave, 2010), winner of the 2012 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. His poems have been widely anthologized and translated, appearing in such periodicals as A Public Space, Fence, Harper’s, The Iowa Review, jubilat, The Nation, The New Republic, The Paris Review, and elsewhere. He has served as poetry editor of Boston Review since 1996. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the New York State Writers Institute and was recently the Theodore H. Holmes ’51 and Bernice Holmes Visiting Professor at Princeton University’s Program in Creative Writing. He is on the permanent faculty of the Writing Program at Columbia University’s School of the Arts and lives in Brooklyn with this wife and two daughters.

 This event was funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc. through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council. 

Gallery hours: Thursday through Sunday 1 - 6 pm or by appointment

Contact: (718) 852-4396

The gallery is across the street from the Bogart Street exit at the L Train Morgan stop.


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